Creating the virtuous society for which the world awaits The kind of Society the World Awaits
In this chapter we will not only meet the word’ Good Friend’ [kalyanamitra] in addition to the ‘True Friend’
Aren’t Buddhists Taught To Go To Temples?
“You are Buddhist, but why don’t you know the principle and the conducts of Buddhism? You were born a Buddhist but you still don’t know it. Whom can I ask about it then? If you ask me about Islam, I can answer all of your questions. Let me ask something. Aren’t Buddhist taught to go to temples?”
The Easiest Cause of Ruin is Following False Friends
When I was in high school, there was a semester when I spent time with friends who felt that smoking was fine, skipping classes was fun, going to bars or night clubs was great (we were younger than 18 at that time), and not listening to parents’ advice was cool.
Freedom from Subtle Defilements
“Lotuses Have leaves that a drop of water cannot cling to Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana will have the minds That Subtle Defilement cannot stay in them
The Best Friend House Project to Change the World
The Best Friend''s House project is established to everyone who loves Dhamma and wants to disseminate Dhamma of the Lord Buddha into others'' hearts. To make their families, relatives and friends happy like they have experienced.
Dhammakaya temple
The Dhammakaya tradition in our era started in 1916 when the Great Abbot of Wat Paknam (Phra Monkolthepmuni) strove with a determination to
6. The Relationship between Spiritual Mentor & Devotee
The sixth and final important factor influencing social development is the quality of the relationship between clergy and their congregations
3rd Hazel Grove Scouts Visit // May 5, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya Manchester, UK
On May 5, 2016 a group of scouts from Hazel Grove, Stockport in Greater Manchester, England came to visit Wat Phra Dhammakaya Manchester to learn about the Buddhist culture.
The teaching monk from Dhammakaya Florida Temple taught how to meditate
The teaching monk from Dhammakaya Florida Temple taught how to meditate at Everest University